Please visit PG&E’s website and sign up for notifications there to stay informed when a Public Safety Power Shutoff may occur in your area.
PG&E has a 24-hour and 48-hour power shutoff notification system to inform its customers of a planned power shutoff. Once Comcast learns about a Public Safety Power Shutoff and the specific area(s) that will be impacted, we will begin to notify customers.
- Update Your Contact Information: Log on to your Xfinity account or Comcast Business Account and make sure your contact information is up to date. Please also provide your mobile phone number. We will use this information to contact you if we expect a service disruption caused by a planned power outage.
- Log in to the My Account App for Updates: You can also use the “My Account” app to update information, check on services and, after a Public Safety Power Shutoff, see if your service has been restored. To access the App, please go to:
- Xfinity Customers: Xfinity My Account
- Comcast Business Customers: Comcast Business My Account
- Download your favorite shows and movies for offline viewing: If you have access to an internet connection, you can use the Xfinity Stream app to watch shows and movies offline in case you lose power.
- Follow Comcast on Social Media and Check Our Blog: Follow @ComcastCA on Twitter and read the California Blog. These resources will provide you with helpful information on planned power outages.
- Check Out Our Dedicated Public Safety Power Shutoff Website: Visit our California PSPS site to learn more. The content is available in both English and Spanish.
Unfortunately, Public Safety Power Shutoffs are weather-dependent and therefore unpredictable in terms of timing and duration. We will restore service as soon as PG&E confirms power is fully restored to the part of Comcast’s network that provides your services and it is safe and feasible to do so.
Even if your home has power, Comcast services can be disrupted. This happens because power shutoffs disrupt the overall power grid, and the location of the Comcast facilities that provide service to your home may be affected by the power shutoff even if your home is not. This video helps explain why this happens.
Comcast’s network requires commercial power to provide Xfinity Internet, TV, Voice, and Mobile services, as well as Comcast Business services. During an outage, these services may stop working when commercial power is shut off, even if there is a household generator powering your home or small business, or if you are using a backup battery to power your Xfinity Voice or Mobile services.
Yes. The California Public Utility Commission requires Comcast, and other communication providers, to provide 72 hours of backup power in Tier 2 and 3 High Fire Threat Districts when commercial power is not available due to a Public Safety Power Shutoff or other disaster that disrupts delivery of electricity to Comcast’s power supplies. Starting October 12, 2021, Comcast will implement 72 hours of backup power to parts of its network in Tier 2 and 3 High Fire Threat Districts (HFTDs) that support wireless networks, critical facilities, and areas of insufficient mobile coverage.
No. The generators are hard-wired to power Comcast’s field equipment in high fire threat areas during commercial power outages caused by Public Safety Power Shutoff events and emergencies. For safety and security reasons, they do not have power outlets and they will be accompanied by warning signs to inform the public what their purpose is.
Yes. Comcast Business services may stop working because Comcast’s network that provides these services requires commercial power to operate. Our technology and engineering teams will work tirelessly to support our network operations so that we can safely restore services as soon as commercial power is restored. Learn more about how Comcast Business customers can prepare for Public Safety Power Shutoffs by visiting this page.
We offer customers a range of data plans including an Unlimited plan for which you’ll pay $45/per line, per month regardless of how much data you have used in the month you switch to Unlimited. You can switch your plan up until the last day of your billing cycle.
Customer credits are considered on a case-by-case basis because certain services are often still accessible to customers.
Xfinity Voice and TV services are designed to be accessible remotely and wirelessly, which means our customers can continue to use these services (1) in the home, if their wireless provider maintains connectivity and (2) outside the home, in any area with power, through any wired or wireless Internet connection, including Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots.
Comcast’s network needs power to work. When electric utilities, such as PG&E, de-energize their lines to prevent wildfires, we rely on generators to keep our network up and running. We will remove the generator shortly after PG&E restores commercial power to the area.
We understand your frustration and apologize for any inconvenience. The state of California recently required communications companies, including Comcast, to have 72-hours of backup power for its network in high fire-threat regions. The generator is necessary to ensure that our network in high fire-threat regions will remain on even when commercial power is off. We will remove the generator shortly after PG&E restores commercial power to the area.
Yes. The generators power Comcast’s network equipment in high-fire threat areas during commercial power outages caused by PSPS events and emergencies. Businesses that receive service from Comcast equipment supported by the generator will receive a network signal from Comcast.
We do not have such a map that is publicly available at this time. We are deploying generators throughout the portions of our California service area territory that are deemed high fire-threat areas by the CPUC. The CPUC has published a map of these areas that is available at the following URL: https://ia.cpuc.ca.gov/firemap/.
There is no system in place to sign up a neighborhood. Comcast is deploying generators to serve communities in high fire-threat areas as defined by the state.
We understand your frustration and apologize for any inconvenience. Unfortunately, we cannot remove the generator until commercial power in the area is restored. The state of California recently required communications companies, including Comcast, to have 72-hours of backup power on equipment in high fire-threat regions to ensure that communications networks in these areas will remain on even when commercial power is off. The generator in front of your house [business] is necessary to ensure that our network remains operational in a high fire-threat region. We will remove the generator shortly after PG&E restores commercial power to the area.
The state of California recently required communications companies, including Comcast, to have 72-hours of backup power on equipment in high fire-threat regions to ensure that communications networks in these areas will remain on even when commercial power has been turned off to prevent wildfires. Safety is our number one priority, so we chose this type of generator because it very safe and we placed it in a location with wildfire safety in mind.