Comcast Opens 130,000 WiFi Hotspots Ahead of PSPS

Ahead of PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff on November 20th, Comcast is opening 130,000 Xfinity WiFi hotspots in 30 counties for free to anyone that needs them – including non-Xfinity customers. Private Xfinity WiFi hotspots (such as those in customers’ homes) will not be opened up to others.
For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, which are located at small businesses and in outdoor locations such as shopping districts and parks, please visit
Once at a hotspot, select the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list of available hotspots and then launch a browser.
Xfinity Internet customers can sign in with their username and password, and they will be automatically connected at Xfinity WiFi hotspots in the future.
Non-Xfinity Internet subscribers should visit the “Not an Xfinity Internet Customer” section on the sign-in page to get started. Non-customers will be able to renew their complimentary sessions every two hours.
If you are prompted for a password or other login credentials, then you are attempting to access an Xfinity WiFi hotspot that is located in a home, not in a business or outdoor location. This hotspot is not part of the free Xfinity WiFi access program.
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