4,600 Miles & 1 Flag Remind Americans of Veteran’s Sacrifices

Group posing for a picture together

San Francisco, CA – The Golden Gate Bridge: Last Friday, a flurry of red, white and blue ran, walked and biked across the immense Golden Gate Bridge, led by a solitary American flag. That flag, which began its journey in Seattle on September th is making its way to Tampa Bay Florida arriving this Veteran’s Day 62 days later. In between, the flag will pass between 70 teams across 4,600 miles of American highways and cities.

Comcast California and our Employee Resource Group, VetNet, volunteered to be part of the team running across the picturesque Golden Gate Bridge. Beginning at the Golden Gate Bridge Vista Point, Alexandra Pham and the Comcast VetNet volunteers soldiered across 1.7 miles to the San Francisco side.

Since its founding four years ago, the Old Glory Relay, has aimed to bring awareness and fundraising efforts to Team Red, White & Blue, a veteran serving non-profit with the goal of enriching the lives of American veterans through social and physical activities. They see this enrichment occurring through three core components: health, people and purpose with all these unified within the Old Glory Relay.

“What an incredible and inspiring moment to be able to run across the Golden Gate Bridge with a group of incredible people to support our veterans,” said Pham, a former Navy Servicewoman and Comcast Direct Sales Manager from here in the Bay Area.

The theme for this year’s Relay was mindful of the times, Unity. At a time where American society is trying to assess what being, an American means; supporting our veterans and remembering their sacrifice can be the great unifier. While all the relay’s participants wear variously colored shirts, they are all on Team Red, White & Blue.

At a time when we see so much derision in our country, it is the example of organizations like Team Red, White & Blue that remind us that there are some things we can all unify behind.

Runners on Golden Gate Bridge Runner on bridge smiling with thumbs up

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