Comcast Joins Central Valley Community Foundation to Help During Health Crisis

Central Valley Community Foundation Logo.

The Central Valley Community Foundation (CVCF) announced that it will grant $500,000 to Central Valley nonprofits responding to the current health crisis. Since March 17, the organization has received commitments of more than $300,000 from individual and corporations, including $30,000 from Comcast for general emergency relief. In addition, CVCF has committed $200,000 of its own resources to supporting veterans who are impacted.

The CVCF Team worked with public, private, and nonprofit partners to identify the most pressing needs in our community. Grant funding will support critical work in the following areas:

  • Food/Supply Distribution – Multiple nonprofit partners who are working together to provide prepackaged food and essential supplies through various distribution sites as well as daily individual deliveries to over 800 elderly and immunocompromised residents in Fresno, Madera, and Tulare counties.
  • Healthcare Worker Safety – Funding and equipment will be donated to area health care providers to help protect medical personnel during this critical time.
  • Coordinated Communication of Reliable Public Information– Support for United Way of Fresno and Madera Counties to fully staff the 2-1-1 Information and Referral Helpline to manage the increased volume of non-emergency calls from people looking for updated information and assistance. In addition to the call center, funding will support a regional communications campaign in multiple languages to share information and community resources related to this virus.

With the initial funds raised, grants will be made to 12 nonprofit agencies, including the Central California Food Bank, Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, Catholic Charities Dioceses of Fresno, Poverello House, Marjaree Mason Center, Fresno Barrios Unidos, Fresno Metro Ministries, Every Neighborhood Partnership, HandsOn Central California, Central Valley Children’s Services, and United Way of Fresno & Madera Counties.

CVCF will continue to accept donations to address growing and constantly changing challenges related to the current health crisis. Donations can be made by visiting 100% of individual contributions will be mobilized to support our community’s most vulnerable people.

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