Comcast Supports CAL FIRE Command Centers During Outbreak of California Fires

A California neighborhood with clouds of smoke in the sky

Fueled by record breaking heat and impacts from Tropical Storm Fausto near the Baja Peninsula, a series of thunderstorms produced lightning that sparked numerous fires throughout Northern California over the weekend.

To help CAL FIRE, Comcast California worked fast and had three CAL FIRE command centers set up by Monday evening.

“When we hear from CAL FIRE that our services are needed, we respond immediately and do everything we can to help. With fire-fighting resources being deployed on the ground and in the skies, coordination and communication is key. We work in close partnership with CAL FIRE to support these needs – whether that’s Internet connectivity, mobile phones or other services they need. Many times, we set up right alongside their teams  and we stay there until the work is done,” says Steven Belluzzi, Director of Network Operations at Comcast.

These centers serve as a hub for CAL FIRE personnel and other public utility providers to meet with officials, conduct planning, host press conferences and have a place to rest when possible. Comcast services provide reliable, robust and high-capacity Internet connectivity for everyone on-site.

The three command centers were set up at the following locations:

  • Napa Fairgrounds
  • Toro Park
  • Alameda County Fairgrounds

We are so thankful to the heroes at CAL FIRE for their incredible efforts and tireless work fighting these fires and striving to keep our communities safe. You can visit their Ready for Wildfire website for more resources on fire safety.

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