Comcast Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy and Timeless Message of Equality

Today, we honor and recognize the profound legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. While progress has been made in the decades since his tragic passing, there is still tremendous work to be done to create a more just and equitable world for all.
At Comcast, we are deeply committed to uplifting our local communities through service, a commitment shared by our team and built upon every day by giving back to their communities. Project UP is our initiative to advance digital equity, backed by a $1 billion commitment to reach 50 million people over the next ten years. Project UP connects people to the Internet, advances economic mobility, and opens doors for the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, storytellers, and creators. Together, with our partners and local communities, we can deepen our impact and create new opportunities that benefit generations to come.
Here in California, the United Way of Monterey County (UWMC) will celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy with a book drive for thirteen preschools throughout the county. In partnership with UWMC, Comcast provided drive boxes to collect books and a list of books that schools recommended for young learners. Books can also be donated inside the Xfinity Retail Store at the Northridge Mall in Salinas. On January 22nd, our team will be at the book distribution event at Salinas Child Development Center to hand out books and read them to preschoolers.
Comcast is a longtime supporter of the African American Community Service Agency. This year marks the 44th year for the organization’s Annual MLK Luncheon, an event that connects over six hundred community leaders, students, and local organizations for a one-of-a-kind affair held for the first time at San Jose State University. The luncheon honors local leaders and hosts special performances and presentations to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and ignite inspiration to carry on his dreams.