Lilian Luu Shares Her Experience as a ‘22 Comcast Intern in Honor of National Intern Day
Hi! My name is Lilian. I’m an incoming third-year at the University of California, Irvine, majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing. I am a Public Relations Specialist Intern for Comcast this summer and am excited to be celebrating National Intern Day and sharing my experience with you!
As an Asian-American and first-generation college student from a “non-target” business school, I would have never imagined being an intern at Comcast. However, this summer and internship have felt like a dream, introducing me to the corporate world and the value of building community in the workplace.
Through the daily responsibilities within my role, the mentorship given by my team, and the relationships I have built with Comcasters so far, I have professionally and personally grown immensely in a matter of weeks. I highly encourage other college students to take advantage of their summers to develop professionally, whether it be through mentorship or internship opportunities.
My college mentor and Associate Director of Employer Relations at the Paul Merage School of Business, Tonie Zhu, taught me the importance of building your network and being authentic in the workforce, inevitably equipping me with the skills and confidence that placed me where I am today. Tonie is an avid advocate for Mentorship, saying, “Mentorship is a symbiotic relationship. Mentors can be a great soundboard for questions and let you know that you are not alone in pursuing your professional aspirations. But mentors learn just as much from younger generations because the workforce constantly changes. Don’t second guess how much you have to offer as a mentee.”
I recommend contacting professors, alumni, or even cold messaging working professionals on LinkedIn for a coffee chat. Tonie always says that “you never know how a conversation can spark a new idea, thought, or aspiration for the future,” and I second that message. Confining concepts like target schools or any other obstacles do not outshine what you have to offer as a candidate if you take the reins, put in the work, and invest in yourself. College career centers are also a great resource to take advantage of if you want additional support and opportunities.
In tandem with mentorship, having the hands-on experience of being an intern has been essential to my professional journey. This opportunity has been amazing, and I highly encourage other students to apply! Comcast’s internship program is designed to set your career in motion. This year, there are 24 interns across the company’s west division. Five are in California, interning in other areas such as Human Resources, Business Intelligence, Sales, and Finance.
The paid internship program runs for 11 weeks and currently follows a hybrid format for non-frontline roles. The program promises to help interns cultivate meaningful relationships, develop strong interpersonal and business skills, gain exposure to the day-to-day operations of a Fortune 28 media and technology company and receive mentorship opportunities to expand your professional network. After being more than halfway through the program, I can confidently say that Comcast delivered its promise.
Comcast prides itself on having a familial company culture that offers everyone a seat at the table, even seasonal interns like me. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are a priority within the company, and Comcast truly celebrates individuality and their employees, regardless of their background or seniority. I have attended Employee Resource Group (ERG) events and have personal conversations with colleagues that encourage me to amplify my voice within the workplace.
My experience in the External Communications team has been very immersive, and I have gotten more autonomy and hands-on opportunities than I initially expected. From writing blog posts for our website or managing our social media to planning and attending in-person community events, the responsibilities within my role are constantly evolving to the needs of the company. I’ve especially loved working on events, such as Hella Asian and the Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Latina Summit, that support local communities and uplift People of Color (POC). This internship has challenged me to think from a holistic perspective and use media and community-focused approaches I’ve never used before.
Public Relations is centered on shining a light on the company’s projects, priorities, and heart, and I have felt a sense of importance and intentionality in every task I receive. I owe many thanks to my manager, another one of my mentors, for showing me the ropes and exemplifying how to navigate the public relations world with ease and authenticity. Her investment in me, both as an individual and as an aspiring professional, has been an enormous encouragement.
Interning for Comcast has made 2022 one of the most memorable summers I’ve ever had. I have built genuine connections, further developed my soft and hard skills, and gained a better understanding of my career aspirations in a short time. I’m looking forward to completing the rest of my program and seeing what else is in store for my professional journey!
If you are interested in applying to be an intern at Comcast, check out our Students & Early Careers page. There are opportunities for high school and college students in various career paths and locations.