Notice of public hearings in Rulemaking 23-02-016 regarding the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program

November 8, 2023 | At 2:00 p.m. and at 6:00 p.m. |
The public hearings are remote and are not in-person or in a physical location.
The following information is to access the public participation hearings (PPHs):
Toll-free phone number to comment publicly and /or listen during the PPHs: 1-800-857-1917 English Passcode: 1767567# Spanish Passcode: 3799627# | Website to view the PPHs: |
Why am I receiving this notice?
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) wants to hear from you. Virtual public hearings have been scheduled to hear your comments, concerns and opinions regarding the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, a new broadband grant program funded with federal money and administered by the CPUC. Your participation by providing comments can help inform the new rules.
You can watch a livestream of the hearings or participate via telephone. You can also submit comments by mail or post them on the CPUC’s public comment portal.
How does this process work?
This rulemaking is considering rules for the BEAD Program, a new broadband grant program funded with federal money and administered by the CPUC. The rulemaking is assigned to a CPUC Administrative Law Judge and a Commissioner, who will consider proposals and evidence presented during formal processes, and then issue a proposed decision. Any CPUC Commissioner may sponsor an alternate decision with a different outcome. The proposed decision, and any alternate decisions, will be discussed and voted upon by the CPUC Commissioners at a public CPUC Voting Meeting.
Parties involved in the rulemaking include the Public Advocates Office. The Public Advocates Office is an independent consumer advocate within the CPUC that represents customers to help them obtain the lowest possible rates consistent with reliable and safe service levels. Find out more here: 1-415-703-1584, email or visit
Contact the CPUC:
Please visit to submit a public comment about this rulemaking to the CPUC. You may also mail written comments to the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s address below. For more information on participating in the public hearing, submitting comments, to request special assistance, or to request a non-English or Spanish language interpreter, please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at least five days prior to the hearings.
CPUC Public Advisor’s Office
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone:1-866-849-8390 (toll-free) or 1-415-703-2074
Please reference Rulemaking 23-02-016 in any communications you have with the CPUC regarding this matter.